February 20th, 2018

do you have a favorite anything?

The first day of my Media class, we had to do introductions (which I hate SO MUCH) and the questions the professor wanted us to answer were:

  • What is your name? “My name is Anny” (easy)
  • What is your major? “I am majoring in Video Arts and Technology” (I can handle this)
  • Why are you taking this class? “This class is a requirement and it would help me a lot for my VAT major” (okay, I’m speaking for a long time)              and
  • What is your favorite movie? (oh god)

Now, I’m always nervous for these introductions, but for the last question, my god, I was blank. So, I said that I didn’t have a favorite movie in which the professor responded:

“And you’re a VAT major?”

And his tone made me feel strange. Strange in a way that maybe, just maybe, I’m not good enough for this.

I know, such a simple question, but it was enough to make me question if I’m actually made for the film world.

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But after overthinking and torturing myself whether I was lying to myself, it occurred to me that maybe he misinterpreted my response. Maybe he didn’t understand that I can’t choose a favorite, because there are so many movies I enjoyed that I can’t pick just one. (That, and because I change my mind a lot 😅)

Take food as an example. I love pizza, but I can’t say it’s my favorite food because I enjoy sushi a lot too, and steak, and burgers, and pasta and maybe others that I can’t think of right now. Therefore I say I don’t have a favorite dish but that doesn’t mean I don’t like eating (I love eating btw).

Or songs. There are songs that mark such good times in my life and I still enjoy listening to them. But there are songs that I also love that don’t really have such sentiment but I still like them. It’s very difficult for me to pick one. Besides, there are new songs coming in our lives so.

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Maybe it’s just me, that if I pick a favorite, then people will have certain image of me forever. I feel like it wouldn’t give me room to change. I know that people can still have an image of you with or without favorites. I guess it’s a perfectionist thing? Or probably I don’t want to have people not believing me when I talk out of my heart about something I have passion for because “after a month or two, I would change for another thing.” I have no idea.


I don’t really have a favorite anything, they’re just things I enjoy more than others. And I wish I could’ve told him that you don’t have to have a favorite to be passionate for something 🎥📸.

But maybe it’s different for you. Do you have favorites? I’m curious.


17 thoughts on “A FAVORITE.

  1. Omg, go off! But yeah he pr9bably didn’t understand. I feel the exact same way! But like, if I HAD to choose, my fav color would be forest green. But omg I love pink so much lol

    Liked by 1 person

  2. This was such an interesting pov! It seems like so many of us are totally obsessed with the idea of fitting a certain image, sticking neatly inside a preconceived box of who we should be and limited by, so what you said about favorites contributing to a limited image be so true! Absolutely loved this!!❤

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I do have a favourite movie, but then again, I’m a book kind of girl and I cannot say that I have only ONE favourite book. On the other hand I’m a Dramatics president at my Uni so I LOVE introductions. The limelight!

    Liked by 2 people

  4. This was a really enjoyable post! I’m so glad I clicked on your link on the community pool! I often find that the second I say something is my favourite, that favourite immediately changes! Either that or I have about three-thousand favourites, which basically just means I don’t have a favourite anyway haha!

    Liked by 2 people

  5. ‘Change is the only constant.’
    I guess there will always be a certain number of people in the society who would judge a person based on their favorites. My choices too keep varying and I would be glad if it’s accepted. Having no favorite is never a big deal and you have put opinion very well about it here.
    Loved reading this!

    Liked by 2 people

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