March 10th, 2018

line friends store.

Last Saturday, my sister and I were feeling so overwhelmed with homework that we decided to go to the City. It was 6 o’clock, which was the latest we’ve left the house, but it was perfect because that’s the best time to enjoy the lights of the City. Something we rarely do.

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It was incredibly crowded, which made it kind of challenging to move across. Nonetheless, we made it alive.


We then decided to visit the LINE FRIENDS store. Unfortunately, I wasn’t able to get a picture of famous Brown Bear, or the outside of the store but, I did capture some other interesting/cute stuff:

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By the way, the bottom bear in the middle is reaaaally ticking my ocd.

The store was small and VERY crowded. The items were a little pricey for my taste but, since it was my sister’s birth month, I bought her whatever she’d pick, which was this very cute BT21 RJ cup. BTS fan? Anyone?

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Then, we wandered a little longer before going back home.

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Eveything was so bright!

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And here, the gorgeous Bryant Park with the Empire State Building all lit up.

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Despite being constantly dogging people, it was really mind-clearing visiting the City at night after long hours of homework. And even though there were way too many people for my liking, it is a nice experience to have once in a while.

Have you been to New York City? If so, what are the places you enjoy/ed the most?


20 thoughts on “LINE FRIENDS, NYC.

  1. Omfg the pictured you took are amazing! What filters/apps did u use if you used any?
    That’s so sweet of u to buy stuff for ur sis omg is she a bts fan?

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thank you!! I use the VSCO app and it’s amazing. You can try the different effects and see which one you like the most. The effect I use the most is P5. And yes, she is a fan and I love their songs and watch their videos lol 😂

      Liked by 1 person

      1. ohh wow it came out really cute! oh is p5 free? i dont think i’ve seen that one…
        and omg really, i wasn’t too sure if you were into kpop hehe. i started liking them because of blood sweat and tears hehe. do you listen to any other groups?

        Liked by 1 person

      2. yeahh it is free! OMG I AM, I mean I’m new to it (around feb 2017) but I’M LOVING IT hahaha I’ve listen to some of EXO’s songs, Gashina and Heroine by Sumi are reaally good and I can’t remember more lol

        Liked by 1 person

      3. Omg so cool. It’s so great to see other bloggers like kpop ahh I feel less alone hehe
        Oh yes gashina was a big hit and exo and bts were all over I’m so happy for them. That’s cool tho I mean I used to hate pop but then I heard gee by girls generation and now I’m like almost too into kpop I need to listen to different genres lol

        Liked by 1 person

  2. I’ve heard about NY being too crowded and I hate crowded places, but I love lights and cities so this makes me want to visit. Chicago is great since it’s a pretty cute city like N.Y. except it’s not as crowded!

    Liked by 1 person

      1. true lol like i feel like i’ve accomplished something or faced my fear. also, it’s great if you’re with someone else or at least less of a task. but I can’t go to chicago alone, lol i need to push myself to though because i’m def missing out!

        Liked by 1 person

      2. hahaa yeaah go out there!! I was like that too, I would drag my sister along haha. But then school and work forced me to go out alone and yeah, at first it was uncomfortable and intimidating even! (I would give the excuse that it was boring) But as time passed, I began to appreciate my time alone! So gather strength and go out there you can do it💪🏼

        Liked by 1 person

  3. I have no idea what this store is, but it looks adorable 🙂 love the mug your sis picked out! Also that one bear on the bottom row is triggering my ocd too lol. I haven’t been to the city in a few weeks, but always a new and exciting experience, right??

    Liked by 2 people

    1. totally! it’s really cool revisiting the city when you forget how crazy it actually is haha. Yeah the store was really cute and they have this humongous bear in the entrance, too bad I couldn’t take a pic of it 😞


  4. Would love to visit NYC one day!! Too bad Trump banned me for being Syrian 😀
    Hopefully next president I can come and visit though! Nice blog!!

    Liked by 1 person

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