January 21st, 2018


As you may have noticed, I’m not a very active ‘blogger’ (don’t know if I qualify for that name just yet) as others are. Sorry about that.

When I decided to start a blog, I knew I wasn’t going to post every week or so. My intention was -and still is- to post as much as I can, but as much as my creativity allows me. And, as you might’ve guessed already from my previous post, since I don’t have any specialties, creativity is one of them haha. By that, I mean that inspiration is not very constant in my head. That without taking account work and school which take my attention away from creating content for the blog.



even though I don’t post much, I’m always reading your posts, liking, commenting, and  replying you guys. I’m always there (yeah… that sounded kind of creepy but my intentions are angelic, I swear).

If not on my laptop, then on the app. And it’s the same with Instagram and any other social media I have. I don’t post very constantly but I’ll always answer.

So, yeah. This was just a quick post to let you guys know my capability on blogging. It’s not because I give up, I’m just waiting for inspiration to come naturally. And I do have some ideas written down I just haven’t developed them. Besides, I’m a perfectionist (oops!) so I tend to want my posts the best I can make them.

Thank you for understanding! And, I hope you had a great weekend💕

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Oh and it occurred to me that we could get to know each other more.

I had the idea to sometimes share with each other what was the ‘highlight’ of our day/week/month. Could be a video you recently liked, or a song that’s stuck on your head, an artist, a movie, a show, or something that happened to you etc.etc. etc. And you know, be yourself, don’t be afraid to share your likes (‘weird’ or ‘normal’). We’ll hear everyone with an open mind!

I recently listened to Wait by Maroon 5 and I’m kind of obsessed. Even though I know that’s not going to last😂 or is it… Because there are BTS’ songs that have been stuck in my head for half a year, but you know, I’m not complaining😂

So, what song(s) do you currently have stuck on your head? or what song did you discovered and loved?


14 thoughts on “A NOTE FROM ME.

  1. Hi! this is cute and don’t worry. it’s a great idea to post whenever you feel like doing so. recently I’ve just been listening to my same music but today someone shared this song with me and it was cute since the video is animated. Miso and the song is called Take Me! Very cute and creative. Have a great week, Anny!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I am new to the blogging world and I am posting once a week. But, I do like the fact that there are others who may or may not post on a schedule. It makes me feel like if I miss a week or so, it’s not going to be the end of my blog! Thank you for sharing!

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  3. I know exactly how you feel Anny 😄 Being a youtuber/blogger is not that easy as it looks. Reading other posts is always much easier and fun to read, but being able to do it ourselves is much more incredible feeling. I feel like, even when I’m not blogging every single day/week at the same time , it doesn’t mean that I have already gave up because I haven’t been able to find the time or topic what I wanted to talk about. Blogging is more like hobby, no pressure. If I don’t have any good ideas or I’m not certain about what should I write then I will do it a day later (mostly). You don’t have to push yourself, we all understand that being a blogger has do with freewill and with person herself/himself. So stay strong and be brave!😄
    I love your posts as always. You can inspire people, you know that right?🙏💖

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    1. ahwwww this is so sweet!! Thank you so much for understanding! Yess you’re right. It feels really good when you are proud of a post that you really put effort on. That’s also one of the reasons I don’t want to post whatever. I want to put the same attention to every single post and make them genuine. I really appreciate your support💕 By the way, your posts are fantastic😄


  4. Hello,
    You don’t have to have a specific topic to write about. My blog is about random things still…. I get along. Just write if that’s your passion. Blog if that’s your passion too. Get yourself known either by a blog of music or poetry or art, whatever… just don’t give up

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  5. It’s your blog and your life, so don’t feel guilty for writing it on your terms! It’s meant to be a respite for you, not an obligation or a burden. You do you, girlie~

    This week, I’ve been absolutely obsessed with “Mer” by Hyukoh. Something about that song makes my soul ache and inspires me. Hyukoh’s albums have pretty much been my soundtracks for the past 6 months. I love the melancholy sound, and yet there’s an underlying hopefulness – I think it reminds me of myself.

    Have a great week and I look forward to reading more by you!

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  6. i love the honesty in your blog! Always go at your own pace and always be you, that will attract readers to your posts 🙂 Whether you post daily, weekly, monthly or yearly 🙂 It’s also ok not to have a specific topic of interest. Some of the best blogs I have read are an eclectic mishmash of ideas. And the song that is stuck in my head is Cover your tracks by a boy and his kite.

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